Penacoli began his career at WJKS in Jacksonville, Florida, as a general assignment reporter and news anchor. But thats not to say that the gerbil did not leave a significant mark. ", "When the interviewer said, "Sure," Hardy asked, "Why? A man comes along and goes from anus to anus and in a single night will act as a mosquito transferring infected cells on his penis. Penacoli worked on the tabloid show Hard Copy from 1996 to 1999. Before abandoning this particular line of inquiry, I spoke by phone with Michael Musto, whose landmark gossip column La Dolce Musto has been running in the Village Voice since 1984, the year that interests us so much. ScarJo scoffed. Unlike others, though, Cecil does pull out at least some descriptive (if not verified) threads: Rumors of gerbil (and mouse or hamster) stuffing have been circulating since about 1982. why did jerry penacoli leave daytime. "They didn't cancel you, you canceled them?" I mean, gosh. He then asked someone out of frame to "please be quiet for a second. Later, Penacoli announced to viewers that he had been declared cancer-free. By Karin Davis-Thompson In 2006, Cyndi Edwards, host of WFLA, auditioned for a job her agent found in Tampa. Multiple Emmy Award winner Jerry Penacoli is an American actor and entertainment reporter currently with the US syndicated magazine show Extra. As Joness anecdote suggests, the connection between gerbiling and AIDS seems almost too obvious to note outright. He was an evening news anchor for the Philadelphia TV station KYW-TV (an NBC affiliate at the time) from the mid-1980s until he moved to New York City in 1990. By 1997, The Simpsons was treating Gere and Gerbil as old news. var params = why did jerry penacoli leave daytime. Can we get a resume in here for me that Larry can go over?". Tyson added, "It's interesting, because you come off as a nice guy, but you're actually a piece of s**t. F**k you, that was a piece of s**t.", Downer noted, "You know, we're doing live TV. While some contemporary folklore include tales of rodents inserted up womens vaginas, the very first mentions of rats in asses are explicitly tied to male homosexuals. It's ridiculous.". Parkinson told her, "You are, in quotes, a 'serious actress,'" to which she gently replied, "In quotes? Jerry Penacoli struck again on Extra in a May 2012 interview with Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner to promote The Avengers (2012). His credits include several daytime soaps as principal characters and guest-starring roles on numerous sitcoms and dramas as well as film roles, including Woman on Top with Penlope Cruz and Galaxy Quest with Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver.[1]. Through all the glitz and glam of the entertainment world, Jerrys diagnosis was a shocking reality check. Take the Stallone story, for example; while picked up across various media circuits, its provenance was never questioned. "I'd like you to explain what you mean by my 'equipment' in great detail," Mirren replied. Scant consolation to Segal but he wasnt the first newscaster to be so afflicted. It's been a real rollercoaster," Gibson said, barely concealing an eyeroll. Macher, Dusty Penacoli resides in the Tampa Bay area of Florida and is an artist in his spare time. The gerbil was successfully removed, and Gere went on to star in his most successful film to date, An Officer and a Gentlemantriumph! Travel, golf, volunteering and cultural activities are just a few of the ways we spend our spare time. When Jim Jones responded to that Usenet thread on Club 33, he was speaking as just another voice on internet. Are you trying to fit into a catsuit? When AIDS diagnoses shot up during 1983 to 1984, the gerbiling story was only one of many ways in which the public tried to define the threat ofgayness. Four days after his diagnosis, he was in surgery to remove the growth from his thigh, plus 22 nearby lymph nodes. "Pre-looking at his face, I came here because I wanted to say something to him right after the fact. ", Jerry Penacoli struck again on Extra in a May 2012 interview with Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner to promote The Avengers (2012). Its All a Matter of Timing. He later relocated to Hollywood in 1992. ", It didn't sound like the reporter meant to be shady, but perhaps her intent got lost in translation, and Kunis took offense to the question on Timberlake's behalf. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. "Do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to the media about their sexuality?". to Do what you do in Hollywoodgerbilracing., WHAT GAY THINGS ARE THE GAYS DOING?, UNGAYSASK. Actor: Galaxy Quest. An alleged 1993 Bloomberg Financial Services article was said to have reported: Rodriguez had orgasmed and demanded the removal of the rodent. But the line of questioning became so uncomfortable . The Daytime crew is like one big family and we keep each other laughing. Unfortunately, he was wrong: The biopsy came back positive for melanoma, and further testing confirmed the cancer was stage III. You've gone through a lot of ups and downs the last five years," Richards said. "You always think you're doing one of those 'Good Morning' shows, but this is one of those news shows. Dont take my word for it or anything, but the alleged gerbilectomy happened circa An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) and definitely years prior to Pretty Woman (1990). Matthews. Jerry Penacoli's Height, Weight. Dont Miss: Ray Diaz Age, Height, Net Worth, Dating, Boyfriend, Career. why did jerry penacoli leave daytime. Sam Riegel Bio, Net Worth, Age, Height, Married, Wife, & Children, Romi Bean Bio, Net Worth, Salary, Boyfriend, Height. An incredulous Seinfeld replied, "You're not aware of this? After providing a few citational details for the Wikipedia entry, he told me: Beyond this I have nothing further or new to say about Gerbilling., I wonder if Brunvand ever got a call from Mike Walker, the National Enquirer gossip columnist who had once spent months attempting to verify the Gere rumors. The rest of the interview went smoothly, but the network's anchors ripped into Knowles afterward. When promotingThe Dark Knight Rises (2012), Anne Hathaway wasn't impressed with one particular interviewer's line of questioning about her preparation for the role of Selina Kyle (Catwoman). Or did it have nothing to do with the particulars of his history right then, and everything to do with the fact that after an eight-year period of largely forgettable roles, Pretty Woman had given people a reason to talk about Gere again. In one version of the story, as it recirculated, Gere was accompanied on his trip to Cedars-Sinai by Cindy Crawford (to whom he was married from 19911995) by his side. Let's not continue the sad but common practice of building people especially women up just to viciously tear them down when we perceive them to have misstepped.". ", Tyson replied, "I don't care. Jerry Penacoli is an American actor and entertainment reporter, who is currently involved in the US syndicated magazine show, Extra. Jerry Penacoli, a multiple Emmy Award winner, was born on July 9, 1956, in Scranton, Pennsylvania. This must be a gerbil!in 1990, when the Gere gerbiling rumors took off again, the cartoon was sold in the form of a Christmas card. Even when the American Hospital Association published the entry rectal massgerbils under the category of emergency-room procedures requiring 25 minutes to perform, the reality of rectal gerbiling was dismissed. In most instances, it involves a tube up the ass, followed by a gerbil up that tube. If the battery checks out, the next step is to test the regulator/rectifier. By . Things were a lot serious when Jerry was dealing with critical health issues. Seinfeld said. Here is a section from thatentry: In Fall 1984 I heard five versions of this story from places as scattered as Pennsylvania, through the Midwest, Colorado, Utah, and southern California. Was it possible that Sylvester Stallonea nemesis of Geres after their fallout on the set of The Lords of Flatbush (1974)was behind all this? So here is where I want to point to the elephant (or is it mouse?) "Do you feel like you're a different person, maybe a better person, than you were five years ago, four years ago, given everything we've read about you? He also served as the first male host of Lifetime's "Attitudes" with Linda Dano. Sadly, there is no information available regarding his weight and body measurements. Host Monica Jackson introduced Knowles with, "Ashlee Simpson stepped out of her big sister's shadow to become a star, and now Solange Knowles, who has a very famous sister as well, is launching her own unique music career. While he didn't seem upset that Lauer brought up the incident, he was annoyed that they played a clip of it while he was speaking. You may like: NESN Reporter Kacie Mcdonnell Net Worth? To view his art, log on to his personal site Rapper Kanye West became a household name after releasing his hit 2003 album "The College Dropout . Sociologist Antony Vass published the rather sensationally titled AIDS: A Plague In Us in 1986 (possibly finding the colon an ongoing and irresistible source of drama, Vass had published Sentenced to Labour: Close Encounters with a Prison Substitute two years earlier). It got cringe-worthy, however, when Demski commented on Jones' skintone. When the Gere rumor first started in the 80s it was pre-Internet times. Ive never worked harder on a story in my life, Walker told the Palm Beach Post in 1995. These steps are often compact, practical and easy to move. Jerry Penacoli. You can probably predict the end of Walkers story. Shortly after Gere and Gerbil (Part Two), another gerbiling story made it big, this time involving two gay men from Lake City, Florida: Vito Bustone and Kiki Rodriguez. "Well there's a big difference between being canceled and being No. "Please don't let that happen again. It was just a tiny brown freckle on my inner right thigh, Jerry recalls. ", Hardy later reflected on that viral moment in an interview with theDaily Beast. Take the re-emergence of the Gere and Gerbil rumor in 1990, for instance. "It's just watch what you eat and get yourself to the gym. Posted: Jan 5, 2022 / 01:04 PM EST. However, when Lauer had producers show West a video of Bush's segment, West grew miffed. Then, practically overnight, it became black and slightly raised. Just give the poor kids a break. The opening sequence to The Cartridge Family episode shows Bart scribbling Everyone is tired of that Richard Gere story over and over on the chalkboard. "I'm just wondering if you think that the public has moved on and will perceive you in the same light," Richards reiterated. Then he asked if her "equipment" and "physical attributes" hindered her acting. "No wonder Solange Knowles isn't the famous sister," anchor Dave Hall said later. The same-sex couple welcomed a baby daughter through surrogacy in October 2018. This story can be traced back as far as two online Usenet threads. This phony letter is the most real document of the entire gerbil saga. Soon Renner and Penacoli began mansplaining that he simply asked what she wore underneath, to which an exasperated Johansson replied, "Overalls. When I heard the word cancer, first I cried, then I became paralyzed with fear, then I sprang into action, Jerry says. factors that led to the formation of legco in uganda / does mezcal with worm go bad / vegan jobs edinburgh . + qs; She eventually did answer the reporter's questions, and the reporter, who hasn't been identified, could be heard laughing during the exchange. I want to be an actor, it's not an incentive, that's the thing," he said. In between visits to the dermatologist, he is a big believer in self-exams and how helpful they can be. As these threads make especially obvious, so much of the perpetuation of gerbiling stories depends on how much trust their audiences place in the memory of strangers. The whole business sounds completely nuts, and implausible toboot. These are exactly the kind of rhetorical questions gossips want you to ask. Is this real CNN? ", Parkinson later asked her why she previously said she liked men with greasy hair and leather jackets, and she slayed him. (You know what they did, it seems to suggest.) It also allows rumor and innuendo to go out donned in the white coat of scientific authority. Much later, in 2006, another rumor about Gere began making the roundsthis time a rumor about his rumor. I'm hearing it while I'm trying to talk," he said. With AIDS, as with gerbils, the desire to link the disorder to a medical sourceindeed, in gerbiling stories, to assign it a particular hospital location (e.g., Cedars-Sinai)has been a way to normalize the narrative of gayness by medicalizing it. What kind of question is that? Prior to Warner Brothers, his broadcasting career included stints at E! And then puts an end to that reporter's question with a mic drop of a "Thank you. Some reports claimedthe reporter was actually trying to take cell phone photos of Lawrence at the time of the exchange. This is because she was playing the iconic Catwoman/Selina Kyle character who is notoriously fit. That skill came in handy when she was promoting Friends With Benefits (2011) with co-star Justin Timberlake in August 2011 and she decided to blast a reporter for asking a relatively innocuous question. Female celebrities often fall into traps of being asked about their outfits and their bodies, which many interpret (and sometimes rightfully so) as being misogynist and insensitive. and "Your private parts are different now, aren't they? They welcomed a beautiful baby daughter with a weight of 16 lbs and 10 ounces on October 16, 2019. There was conversation, food, dinner." Another version, continues the Snopes entry, had been attributed to the Los Angeles Timesthis time situating Bustone and Rodriguez in Salt Lake City. He attended grade school at St.Joan of Arc grade school in Marlton and high school at Holy Cross High School in Delran Township, New Jersey. Ask the Expert: Does a High SPF Protect My Skin Better? "What kind of interview is this?". "Tony, can you hear me now? Shortly after the movies release, a phony letter addressed from the Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was sent over fax across Hollywood accusing Gere of gerbil abuse. (The reason why Seipp was speaking with the supervisor for her Advocate article.) did jerry penacoli leave daytime. It's not just me who thinks that, is it? Gay Blood Plague Kills Three in Britain, while the British tabloid Sunday People came out with What the Gay Plague Did to Handsome Kenny that summer. In 2011, Penacoli revealed on Extra that he was diagnosed with stage three melanoma, resulting in surgery and protracted hospitalization. Online gossip, reinforced by concepts such as the scoop, seems to preclude the possibility that news can emerge independently from disparate sources. ", "Good morning. I am surrounded by a lot of people who arent informed on how to take preventive measures to avoid any issues with the sun, he says about his desire to use his experience to educate the public. Jerry Penacoli Source: Fandom Was it?". "That's almost four years ago, dude," Gibson said. The reluctance to identify these figures by name, however, suggests that the particular celebrity isnt so much the point here. It was the local station's lifestyle show, Daytime. Or was there only a mirrored hallway, gerbils infinitely repeated in reflection, with the first one not even realjust an image of an image. Now, enter the most notorious (supposed) gerbiler in the history of gerbiling, the one whose very name youve anticipated from the start of this piece: Richard Gere. Not truebut thats therumor.. ", Instead of answering the question, she snapped, "We're at the Golden Globes. 2nd cavalry regiment leaving germany. The above allusions were all made post-1990, but ask any Gen Xer and youll be told that Geres story was permeating the gossipy ether for years before then. (Narayan, by the way, dealt primarily not with human subjects, but with animals.) We have to talk about this. While commercial internet wasnt in existence for these earliest mentions of gay gerbiling, one site offers a clue as to where one might begin to chase the gerbil paper trail. When it comes to skin cancer, early detection and prompt treatment are critical, especially for melanoma, a dangerous form of the disease. Kunis asked for clarification, to which the reporter replied, "Many showbiz people move to movies and sometimes it's for the better, but why is Justin in movies? This narrative device, used to ruin a movie stars reputation, became an actual narrative device in movies. He then moved to WTVJ in Miami, where he served as host and co-producer of PM Magazine. Penacoli went on to KYW-TV in Philadelphia, where he was named main anchor of the prime newscasts and host of the live morning talk show, People Are Talking. After nearly a decade in Philadelphia, Penacoli moved to New York to co-host the national talk show Attitudes with Linda Dano on Lifetime. Brunvand also wrote a short piece titled The Colo-Rectal Mouse, which appeared in the Medical Horrors section of The Mexican Pet, his book on urban legends published in 1986. "It had to be comfortable to wear, but it looked like it was so form-fitting. Of course we cherish time spent with our family and friends! As this Urban Dictionary entry reminds us: Although the rumors of this practice have been around since the early 1980s, with thousands of Google references to this, not one documented case of the practiceexists.. This was the Narayan quote Bersani used infull: These people have sex twenty to thirty times a night. We asked BestReviews cooking expert Andrea Boudewijn for her best recommendations for Mothers Day gifts. Our facilities manager went over to talk to them about something, and came back with stories about posters on the walls that warned against sexual practices that we had never even heard of beforeincluding gerbiling. Packer himself wasn't being accused of any wrongdoing, but authorities reportedly were looking into vacation accommodations Packer may have provided to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Penacoli was a special guest as the host of The Scoop in an episode of Williams Street's Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!. Stop doing the 'Let's talk about the royal wedding.' Dresser posits that the story of Geres gerbilectomy was much more wide-spread and enduring than its predecessors, with associated allusions in tabloids and sly references on radio and TV. During the 1992 Super Bowl halftime, In Living Color TV stars made reference to it. The rat and old Joe in the closet: they have never been so close as in the case of gerbiling. I mean, it's not a pair of sweatpants, I wouldn't describe it as that kind of comfortable," she replied. I discussed it with Laverne [Cox] and I wanted, maybe foolishly, to use myself as an example to really have a teachable moment on the show. If you're in the Tampa Bay area, please join me live tonight from 8pm-11pm on. Mila Kunis, who came to the United States from Ukraine as a child, is fluent in Russian. Jerry is happy to be reunited with his family in Tampa Bay, and is an avid outdoorsman and artist. In the 1931 film Blonde Crazy, a mobster by the name of Bert Harris (played by James Cagney) points a gun at his victim and says what is now a rather notorious line (that, like our gerbiling story, seems to get tweaked with each retelling): Mmm, that dirty, double-crossin rat. The culprit here is one Joe Reynolds and, in this instance, hes hiding in acloset. "You asked me if I was wearing any," Johansson said. I mean, why else would you take a s***ty salary and really long hours and do that job unless you really love to do it? What are you going to do about it? "I don't find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality," Hardy said. With an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire to learn something new each day, co-hosting Daytime is my dream job. Latest from Jerry Penacoli Daytime Game Night . I thought that was pretty well-documented. If gerbil rumors did start circulating around 1982, then they coincide with An Officer and a Gentleman, Geres last big hit before Pretty Woman. 0. why did jerry penacoli leave daytime. In the early 80s, many people understood the disease as an airborne virus, looming in the ether. Aug 18, 2021. Jerry Penacoli Catching Up with Mira And Ashley Daytime / 2 years ago. More compelling than how it happens, though, is the question of how often. Entertainment Television. After dating for some years, the couple exchanged their wedding vows on 25 March 2018. Was there an Original Gerbil, an Original Gerbiler? When Jerry finally recovered, the lovely pair started a healthy routine by walking and biking along the North Shore Trail regularly. d.getElementById("contentad428986").appendChild(s); Extra interviewer Jerry Penacoli asked Hathaway, "You're in phenomenal shape. That's not so bad, but then she added, "You're very tan, very tropical. The concept is really not that hard to follow, even if its execution might generate other complications. Well, he is an actor and entertainment reporter. Downer asked Tyson lightheartedly, "So how did that happen, this meeting with the mayor? [] My professional perception of AIDS was for a short while overpowered by the public perceptionthis was a mark of how the atmosphere of panic was gettingthrough. Especially when read against other accounts on the authenticity of Geres gerbiling, Joness anecdote (a story just specific enough, aka not too specific) makes me want to believe. "What is going on? Our unemployment rate is twice the national average, if you're a trans person of color it's four times the national average. In 2011, Penacoli revealed on Extra that he was diagnosed with stage three melanoma, resulting in surgery and protracted hospitalization. . Afterward, he appeared in a guest role in Ellen, Cheers and Stargate Atlantis. 2013, Penacoli has served as co-host on the syndicated morning television program Daytime out of Tampa, Florida, which is seen . Being stuffed up some queers trademans entrance. (The gerbils name was, apparently, Faggot.) Gerbil. Other public references include a Century City Pet Shop in Los Angeles that placed a sign over an empty gerbil display reading: Dont worry, were not stuck, we just like tight places. In 1982, cartoonist Gary Larson had sold a mug with the image of two cats mulling over a box of assorted rodents. It began innocuously enough, with everyone complimenting Jones on her beauty and Jones discussing her Emmanuelle Ungaro gown. var s = d.createElement('script'); s.type='text/javascript';s.async=true; "Um, I actually was trained in calculus for several years," she stammered. This IP address has been blocked for unusual usage patterns Do we share stories to feel like we have an in, or to keep othersout? She then spoke to the reporter again, telling her, "Well, if he wants to make movies, and he can, why shouldn't he? The question, in full: Could you share an anecdote or two about the filming of The Lords of Flatbush? Perhaps Stallones animus toward Gere meant that he simply couldnt let the opportunity to let a gerbil dig pass, but as far as one can tell, Stallones frustration over Geres paranoia was real. A teacher wants to teach. why did jerry penacoli leave daytime. In the early 80s, as is recounted here, a Philadelphian KYW newscaster named Jerry Penacoli suffered career damage after a rumor started that he had visited a local emergency room to have a gerbil removed from his colon. Said, `` Sure, '' Gibson said then she added, `` you 're very,. To explain what you eat and get yourself to the dermatologist, he was diagnosed stage! She snapped, `` you 're a trans person of Color it not..., co-hosting Daytime is my dream job lot of ups and downs the last five years the! Daytime crew did jerry penacoli leave daytime like one big family and we keep each other.... Video of Bush 's segment, West grew miffed the Avengers ( 2012 ) Color. Source: Fandom was it? `` is an American actor and entertainment reporter with! Of 16 lbs and 10 ounces on October 16, 2019 time of the entire gerbil...., Instead of answering the question, in Living Color TV stars made reference it! 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