exotic animal owners

Well, it can get a bit dangerous. You brought up a pomeranian as a convenient example but what about the many other domestic animals? From rats to dogs, to goldfish, to cats, despite how easy it might seem to care for these animals, there are people who will acquire them and will cause them to have a poor quality of life and/or premature death. I think you people who support the illegal pet trade with your self righteous claims that all pets were once wild and that makes It o.k. Some are simultaneously considered to be domestic as well. Do you have any reasons you can give me that dont boil down to "keeping a lion is the same as keeping a caliko" like can you give me any reasons why its actually beneficial to the animal? Cats are not tame when they are raised without human influence. Jungleland USA. a monkey may have more significant problems in captivity than a tabby), but a lesser evil is still an evil. Thank you for this article. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 21, 2015: Wild or not your cat would be domesticated Tina. My point is why contribute to the selfishness? The NRA and proper hunting license management\enforcement. Heres what you can do to stop the mistreatment of exotic animals: Its not only the exotic animals to be aware of. One could also argue that, even if the very best care is provided to an animal, merely purchasing the animal supports the trade, which in turn supports the improper care provided by less-experienced owners. Do two "wrongs" make a right? Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 27, 2015: "How about sports betting? I do support reasonable regulations on dangerous exotics, but never full-out bans or ridiculous, impossible-to-meet standards. i named my fox Funtime foxy my favorite fox in FNAF. i believe animals should be free but of course there are people who abuse them or poach them or also sell them for money which is not right. Are they allowed to exercise? I know Sam may never see this, but I wrote it anyway so that people who come across this in the future may see a more logical answer. but when reading the articles you'd swear you can't take a step wtihout stepping on a sake. I don't think there's anything wrong with exotic pets or cats. 8. Here are 10 exotic animals that are legal to own in the state of Texas. It's true we've damaged their environments, but our goal should be to fix those environments not make them our pets. But the bites of monkeys can be deadlyespecially in this case from Malaysia in 2019 when the monkey bit through a major artery. This is a statement, not an argument.". Nothing is irrefutable. The incident happened . Horses, cows, and other large herbivores have caused deaths because of their sheer mass alone, and countless injuries that would never make the major news unless a celebrity was the victim. I saw in another article that you didn't believe that bears could be properly kept by private owners. If a 3-year-old child is attacked and killed by their parents dog who has "never shown any aggression before," the child is somehow less dead than if killed by a wolfdog. I can tell you irrefutably that my "exotics" are easier to care for then my "domestics". Your points written are valid, but I feel they are not irrefutable, and that you will see there are valid points that argue about this. A very well written article to perhaps support this theory whether or not the intent. Many domesticated animals can survive just fine in the wild (some dogs, most cats, goldfish, swine, ect. 7 Southern Pig-Tailed Macaque Monkey Photo credit: Hectonichus Monkeys may not sound like the most dangerous animals in the world. Small Animal Specialties Equine & Large Animal Specialties Farm Animal Specialties Clinical Trials Resources Back to School Routine For Your Pet Clipping Your Pet's Nails - Cautions and Clippers How to Use Pill Pockets to Give Your Pets Medication . Considering that this is "rare", I find it to be unreasonable to cite this as a broad impact from the N. American exotic pet trade. Basically, whenever any animal of the exotic description harms anyone, the reaction is that all the animals should be banned. These exotic animals spend their entire lives in water, never coming onto land. Jungleland USA was a private zoo, animal training facility, and animal theme park in Thousand Oaks, California, United States, on the current site of the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. appropriate diet, perches, maybe a catio or outdoor enclosure, the space it needs, and everything else, find it a loving home. Tiger mothers are killed and the baby kidnapped for someone's "pet". She's also perfectly happy and healthy because we play with her and take care of her PROPERLY. Yes, domestic cats have a huge impact on the environment, but that's not what the argument's about. As a keeper of 20 snakes, 5 lizards, 8 inverts, a cat and a dog. Removing it from its natural environment will not change the instincts that have been bred into the animal. The state trooper was older and I'm sure seeing three, barely legal teens, one refusing to let go of the ferret, wasn't what he expected. Dogs are the only animals with true genetic inclination to be around humans, and even some of those breeds are not house pets. My mother called me an hour later to say that the cop had called her saying we were fine but what happened. margin-right: 0; Especially if the animal is well cared for. 30% is still MILLIONS of cats. He asked for the ferret, and not wanting to get in too much more trouble I reluctantly handed her over. In the same year, a two-year-old girl was strangled and killed by a captive python owned by her parents. I thought it was made clear that while I acknowledge that pet keeping is and always has been selfish, that any human other than monks following extreme ascetic lifestyles will find it completely impossible to become 'unselfish', nor do I think it's fair for any human to torture themselves over this idea and diminish their quality of life. i can't even so nasty. Exotic means something comes from a distant foreign country regardless, of where a person got it. It is important for potential owners to consider whether an animal is bred and housed ethically by the breeder. The word has nothing to do with tameness. what about a tiger the size of a house cat, wouldn't that make a great pet? Surely, it's a problem of humanity's own making, but our only option now is to provide the best home possible for these creatures. Only some dogs, some of which are unethically incapacitated through breeding (bull dogs, pugs) need human help to breed and survive. Salmonella affects about 1.2 million people in the US each year. According to the National Pet Owners Survey, 62 million exotic companion animals resided in U.S. households in 2016, a 25% increase since 2011. Kalaichelvi Panchalingam from PETALING JAYA on May 07, 2014: The ideas are good but when we look at the issue from the point of the animal, things take a different turn. . So, what can you do to help these animals? But these arent the only animals to watch out for. No one can give you a, Many HempMy Pet reviews recommend this companys CBD oils and treats. But if a pet owner makes a mistake, innocent community members could pay the price. In 2016, over 100 thousand households were reported to have specialty or exotic pets. Domesticated pets *are* more tame than wild animals. I have had a leopard gecko and a yellow lab for about 5 years now and they both have the same needs, water, food and space. to have anything as a pet, is completely wrong ! Banning the ownership and breeding of these animals will solve these problems! It is illegal to poach animals, if you were unaware, and any trade of any poached animal carcass or young is also a serious offense. It also is important for owners to be realistic about their exotic animal choice and to put the needs of the animal over their desire to have an attractive and unusual pet. I have little doubt in my mind that exotics have probably caused non-severe incidents (like the lynx) that was simply not reported; again, regardless of the fact that there are millions of dogs so that accounts for their millions of bites, there are still at least thousands of exotic cats. Here are 10 of them dispelled by an actual exotic pet owner. My ferret chose to stay rather than run away. It doesn't matter if you'll take good care of your "pet" because the animal most likely unable to eat, move, and behave properly. Venkatachari M from Hyderabad, India on May 25, 2015: Very interesting article on exotic pet keeping. Owning an exotic pet comes with a whole lot more responsibilities. They are not used to living with humans due to differences in needs, sizes, and habits. They are a domesticated animal dived from the European polecat. I think what Melissa was trying to say was that the blue tilapia was not introduced to the ecosystem by the pet trade. Three weeks later, the . The reason people may be saying this is to salvage any possibility that their beloved animals won't nonsensically be made illegal. Some say that the difference between "wild" pets and domesticated pets is that the former are inherently dangerous. I own an exotic pet, and I agree with all of your points. It's "common knowledge" that exotics make terrible pets, and convincing people otherwise is so, so hard. Does a captive bred exotic know deep down that this isn't how it is supposed to live or does it not miss what it's never had? Her cat Pumpkin enjoys stretching out in the office while mom researches the best information on how to care for their fellow furry friends. (Did you see the double animal pun?). 3. Exotic pet incident statistics show its not just these animals that get out. Thank you for your time. Felicia Wilson There's a large following. I'd like to move to North Carolina after college, where there are less laws than there are here in Ohio, and eventually get USDA/AZA registered. You dream it we build it Licensed Bonded Insured Aimnwconstruction dot com do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers aethelthryth from American Southwest on May 25, 2015: A carefully-stated, thoughtful article. Carnivores are not meant to exist in the population that humans create them to be for their own enjoyment. The stigma against exotic pets is almost completely imagined. And not just in the United States, but worldwide (think feral dogs, cats, pigeons, swine). Melissa, I love your articles and am incredibly grateful for what you write. You made amazing points and your article was very helpful. Most so-called wild or exotic animals CANNOT survive in the 'wild'. So many people are lied to, and you never truly know what that animals history is. A rare getaway happened on October 7th, 2020, when a baby red kangaroo escaped from a truck in Monroe, Washington. Toxoplasmosis is even deadly to some marine mammals. I loved her name is Mochie. Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. they're happiest when they are around people companions. As of 2018, the US has over, Monkeys are the most common primate that private owners hold. If you think it was a mistake to domesticate animals that is just your nutty opinion and it is not an argument. Many people also consider the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) a domesticated animal. Note: There are those who believe that cats should never be kept exclusively indoors (a dominant belief in some places like the UK), a belief in favor of encouraging a destructive invasive species (another conflict associated with the exotic pet trade), unnecessary killing native wildlife, and spread of disease to wildlife and humans via fecal contamination. Ice did his best to keep Bucky under wraps, as it isn't legal to possess these animals in Florida, but Bucky broke free and caused chaos. Take A Trip On The Wild Side: Ethical Exotic Pet Ownership. I did almost loose my ferret, when I was younger and ignorant of states having their own pet laws. Interesting topic on exotic pets.The exotic pet owners get attention for themselves and for their pets. Your description reads zoo attender, so I assume you know how miserable a lot of exotic animals are in captivity. All animals are the same we just spent more time with dogs and cats. You can't get a license. I'm moving the NC too, and be SURE to find one of the few remaining counties that doesn't have bans. first of all chihuahuas are toy dogs and bred to be companions. For Exotic Animal Owners For Exotic Animal Owners. The severity of the problem may vary in extent (i.e. .toggle-text { TLDR: Poaching of endangered species is bad but does not justify a blanket ban on anything that is not a cat or a dog. I treat both of them the same and love them both. As in, if the member of the public is on the property of the exotic animal voluntarily (or in the case of children, brought there, so the guardian assumes the risk) than it's not a matter of public safety. The tiger mauling occurred because the boy and his father were visiting the big cat owner, who foolishly went to show the animals to them and opened the cage. I remember being so scared, as they opened the door and reached for her. These animals are not commonly owned, but are popular . Otherwise, great article I enjoyed reading it and it helped me a ton with an argumental essay on this topic. Of course we did, and then he let us go. Exotic pets may also have the advantage of receiving individualized attention, unlike many zoo animals. You hide behind "free speech" unbelievable ! However, many use the term to include native species as well (e.g., snakes may sometimes be considered exotic as pets even in places where they are found in the wild). It's no different from the stock market". It is becoming crystal clear that many things humans do as mere hobbies and pleasure have negative impacts for our world, but laws seem to be made only when people are wrongfully intimidated by something. So once again, as my argument approach addresses the approval of pet dogs and cats, blaming exotic pet owners for the actions of so few is like blaming all dog owners for puppy mills and fighting rings. "For example, there have been instances, although rare, where privately owned tigers and lions, some of which could have been former "pets", were slaughtered so that their parts could be sold on the black market.". Well that would be true, if that was the only thing I wrote. As for exotic pet trade, if it is done in a responsible way and encourages preservation of wildlife (let's say by breeding exotic pets domestically rather than exploiting threatened populations in the wild), then one needs to consider that such ideas if properly executed can have merit. Review some of the arguments that support private exotic pet ownership. Rhode Island. A tiger lounges in an enclosure owned by Zuzana Kukol in Pahrump, Nev. Kukol, who runs a group called Responsible Exotic Animal Ownership, takes care of 10 tigers, as well as lions, cougars and . I'm not an expert in bear care nor particularly interested in keeping one, but why don't you recommend keeping them? If this is the case, then you should have no problem with more restrictive laws (often referred to as "bans") which would make it impossible for all but the very best owners to own exotics. TikTok is filled with accounts showing off exotic animals that aren't typically house-trained, like . Thats more than. Anyways, now if kids want to pet him I ask them to ask their parents. There are few veterinarians that can treat your pet, food, and shelter may be expensive, or the animal needs specific or time-consuming care. You must really love cats. About 140 non-native reptiles and amphibians have been introduced to Florida. Im sure there are exotic pet owners out there whose care and expertise could appeal to even the most diehard anti-captivity advocate, and since they exist, the right to keep alternative pets is worth protecting. Owners choosing to purchase one of these animals should take into account the proper enclosure requirements, as providing adequate caging is where many owners fall short in properly caring for these animals, according to Blue-McLendon. people should be allowed to own wild animals if they take care of them if they are going extinced they should breed them to help. But aside from this, monkeys are one animal. It's insulting when people approach someone who's obviously invested in a subject and attempt to 'argue' using basic points they heard in some anti-exotic pet pamphlet. So theres a serious amount of animals shipped worldwide. African pigmy hedgehogs, even sugar gliders can make good pets. Its important to not be spontaneous about the acquisition of any animal. (And duh its obviously better than killing them). The 'only' difference is that tigers are massive animals and even their attempts to play with you can put you in the hospital. Its true, there are problems with the exotic pet trade, and Ill never hesitate to admit this. 2. 75% of reptiles from pet shops die within the first year. The exotic pet trade is cruller than you realize. The exotic pet industry is worth $15 billion a year. Of course I thought ticket. Nor is it right for one person to dictate which levels of selfishness are appropriate, i.e., the production of domesticated animals is ethical and keeping natural state animals is not.

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