ministrybooks org collected works

5, No. This prophecy can be composed by considering all of our daily notes, the "harvest" of our inspirations during the week, and preparing a main point with some sub-points to be spoken in the church meetings for the organic building up of the Body of Christ. These publications, including the works of both Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, can be searched for topics of interest. Living Stream Ministry is pleased to make the electronic versions of these seven books freely available. The plan has one chapter everyday from Monday through Saturday, and no readings on Lord's day. After publishing two editions of The Spiritual Man, Watchman Nee realized that many of his readers became introspective. All live meetings will be held at Ministry Conference Center, Anaheim, CA, and pre-registration is required. He also published a book of questions and answers on gospel truth, giving explanations on fifty aspects of the gospel. Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. In, From the back cover: THE VISION OF CHRIST IN GALATIANS, EPHESIANS. Digital Publications and Distribution. It is in contrast to the bipartite view (dichotomy), where soul and spirit are taken as different terms for the same entity (the spiritual soul). Life-Study of the Bible: To help the saints with their long-term constitution and nourishment, we suggest all the saints enter into the Life-study of the Bible in a regular way. The books below are sorted alphabetically. In, Basic Elements of the Christian Life, Volume Two, From the back cover: We are thankful to the Lord for another opportunity to gather together and we pray that the Lord would lead our young people to consecrate their summer to Him! Most of the writings of these two servants of the Lord are available online at the LSM website - Read the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee online LSM Webcast - Audio and video messages from conferences and trainings Topstone Books - Online resource . THE VISION OF THE LAMPSTANDS AND THE ACTUALITY, THE PRACTICALITY. Even fewer have touched the matter of knowing and experiencing the divine life which has been made available to us through Christ's death and resurrection. . Therefore, we must walk wisely that we may redeem the time, seizing every available opportunity. Recently Living Stream Ministry has developed a new feature on, making an enormous amount of the ministry available in audio format. Books on the Gospel. From the back cover: The Lord burdened and commissioned Watchman Nee with a specific testimony of Christ in His crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, return, and kingdom. Read, search, and listen to the entire collections of the writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Your contributions help to cover radio production and radio station expenses; as well as the day-to-day operating expenses of this ministry. He also felt that the book was too perfectly written and too detailed. The "500" refers to the goal of reading at least 500 Life-study messages for your spiritual nourishment and growth. SermonIndex Announcements :: Need directions Need directions - posted by brentw (), on: 2006/4/12 17:07 I lost my book by Watchmen Nee on Gods delagated authority. B. Except where noted, all the content offered by the links below is available free of charge. In addition, the church in Anaheim, along with other churches in Southern California, sponsors the following broadcasts of the Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee: KKLA 99.5 FM, Lord's Days from 8:30 pm to 9:00 pm followed by a live call-in program from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm. This years July Semiannual Training will be held on Monday, July 3, 2023, at 4:00 .. Easy access to the Life-study messages: Access your reading .; Republisher_time 782 Scandate 20230112223744 Scanner Scanningcenter cebu Scribe3_search_catalog isbn Scribe3_search_id 0534051014 Sent_to_scribe Tts_version 5.4-initial-3-gae281fbc THE NEED OF ALL THE CHURCHES TO BE IDENTICAL IN ESSENCE, THE NEW JERUSALEM BEING A GREAT SIGN OF THE TOTALITY, GENESISGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE TREE OF LIFE, DEUTERONOMYGODS DESIRE BEING FOR MAN TO EAT THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, THE LORD BECOMING SMALL ENOUGH TO ENTER INTO US, NOT MERELY ASKING THE LORD TO DO THINGS FOR US, BUT EATING THE LORD, THE BREAKING OF BREAD MEETING BEING THE LORDS FEAST, A COMPARISON BETWEEN MANNA AND THE PRODUCE OF CANAAN, ACCEPTING THE DEALINGS IN OUR LIFE TO HAVE A RICH HARVEST, THREE LAYERS IN THE DIVINE REVELATION OF THE BIBLE, NOT A MATTER OF RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT A MATTER OF GOD'S ECONOMY AND DISPENSING, THE BELIEVERS' RECEIVING AND ENJOYING OF CHRIST, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING BEING TO LIVE CHRIST AND TO MAGNIFY CHRIST, THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, THE WAY TO RECEIVE AND TO ENJOY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY, THROUGH INCARNATION CHRIST AS THE WORD OF GOD COMING TO BE A MAN WITH GOD, IN REGENERATION CHRIST DISPENSING HIMSELF AS THE SPIRIT OF THE DIVINE LIFE, THE ALL-INCLUSIVE CHRIST AS THE BELIEVERS' PORTION, CHRIST BECOMING THE PASSOVER LAMB AND THE UNLEAVENED BREAD OF THE FEAST, CHRIST BEING THE HEAD TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE BODY AND, THE DISPENSING OF GOD AS THE SUPPLY TO THE BELIEVERS, THE WAY TO SUPPLY AND APPLY THIS LIFE-DISPENSING OF CHRIST IN, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN PRODUCING THE MATERIALS, THE DIVINE DISPENSING IN THE APOSTLE'S STEWARDSHIP OF GRACE, THE DIVINE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY IN CHRIST'S MAKING, THE BELIEVERS' LIVING FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE ORGANIC BODY OF CHRIST, FROM ADAM, THE FALLEN ONE, TO NOAH, THE ONE WHO WORKED TOGETHER WITH GOD, THIS GOD-MAN LIVING A HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH, THE ASCENDED GOD-MAN AS THE HEAD IN HIS ASCENSION, THE PERFECTED SAINTS DIRECTLY BUILDING UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTISTTELLING PEOPLE TO REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS WHICH WAS DRAWING NEAR, ENTERING INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD, NOT THROUGH TEACHING BUT THROUGH REGENERATION, THE SON BEING IN THE FATHER AND THE FATHER BEING IN THE SON, THOSE WHO BELIEVE INTO THE SON DOING GREATER WORKSDISPENSING CHRIST THROUGH SPEAKING, THE FATHER SENDING THE SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT COMING WITH THE FATHER AND THE SON, CHRIST AS THE ELEMENT OF THE CORPORATE BREAD, ALL THAT THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE SPIRIT HAVE BEING TRANSMITTED TO US BY THE SPIRIT, OUR SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES NEEDING TO BE IN THE DISPENSING OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE LEARNING AND EXERCISE NEEDED BY THOSE WHO WORK FOR THE LORD, FELLOWSHIP CONCERNING THE PRINCIPLE OF HAVING A JOB, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE DEACONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE OTHER BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE ELDERS AND THE WORKERS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND THE DENOMINATIONS, THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE BROTHERS AND THE SISTERS, THE NEED OF A BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLICAL TRUTHS, THE NEED OF FURTHER DISCOVERIES AND FURTHER VISIONS, LOCAL ADMINISTRATION YET ONE BODY BEARING ONE TESTIMONY, REGARDING THE ONE BODYTAKING CARE OF THE LORDS TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE ONE BODY TO BEAR ONE TESTIMONY, ONE MOVE THROUGH ONE MINISTRY TO PRODUCE AND BUILD ONE BODY FOR ONE TESTIMONY, NOT STIRRING UP THE CONCERN OF THE SAINTS, WORKING AND CARING FOR THE LORDS RECOVERY, REMOVING SOMEONE FROM THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE CHURCH, AVOIDING USING THE WORD EXCOMMUNICATION, HAVING NO THOUGHT OF SECURING OUR POSITION, PRACTICING TO BEAR GODS TESTIMONY AS THE RETURNED REMNANT, PREACHING THE GOSPEL, TEACHING THE TRUTH, AND MINISTERING LIFE, THE NEED OF MEETING HALLS AND PERIODIC CONFERENCES, BAPTIZING PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THEIR BELIEVING IN THE LORD, BRINGING THE CHURCH INTO THE PRACTICE OF THE BIBLICAL WAY, GOD'S ADMINISTRATION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE BURDEN TO STAY IN ONE PLACE TO DIRECTLY HELP BUILD UP A LOCAL CHURCH, THE ORGANIC MOVE OF THE LORD IN THE GOSPELS AND THE ACTS, THE EXPERIENCE OF READING THE BREASTPLATE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, THE ORGANIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CHURCHES AND THE WORK, THE NEW WAY TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST, CONDEMNING OUR HABIT TO NOT TAKE THE NEW WAY FOR THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE GROWTH IN LIFE ISSUING IN THE PRECIOUS MATERIALS FOR GOD'S BUILDING, THE NEED TO VISIT PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES WITH THE GOSPEL, TAKING THE SCRIPTURAL WAY FOR THE ORGANIC BUILDING UP, NOT DOING A ROUTINE WORK BUT ENDEAVORING AND LABORING, DROPPING OUR OLD CONCEPTS AND PICKING UP THE NEW VIEW, PRACTICING THE LORD'S PRESENT RECOVERY ACCORDING TO OUR SITUATION, THE NEW TESTAMENT WAY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE, PREACHING THE GOSPEL AS PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD, BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT AND THE WORD TO BE ECSTATIC, PRACTICAL POINTS CONCERNING THE WAY TO GO ON, THE PRESENT TURMOIL IN THE LORD'S RECOVERY, GOD'S PROMISE TO CRUSH SATAN UNDER THE FEET OF THE LOCAL CHURCHES, THE ONENESS PARTLY OF THE FAITH AND PARTLY, THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ONENESS OF THE CHURCH AS THE UNIQUE BODY OF CHRIST, THE BASE OF THE PRACTICE OF THE PROPER ONE ACCORD IN THE CHURCH, SPIRITUALITY OR SCRIPTURAL TEACHING NOT TO BE USED AS A CLOAK FOR DIVISION. JEHOVAH DELIVERING SAUL INTO THE HAND OF DAVID, DAVID BEING SOVEREIGNLY KEPT AWAY BY GOD FROM JOINING THE PHILISTINES' CAMP, DAVID CONQUERING THE AMALEKITES AND CAPTURING THEIR CAPTIVES, OUR NEED FOR GOD TO BUILD UP CHRIST INTO OUR INTRINSIC CONSTITUTION, BUILDING THE CHURCH WITH THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, DEIFICATIONBECOMING GOD IN LIFE AND IN NATURE BUT NOT IN THE GODHEAD, OUR NEED FOR GOD TO WORK HIMSELF IN CHRIST INTO US AS OUR LIFE, NATURE, AND CONSTITUTION, THE CHURCH BUILT NOT BY OUTWARD ORGANIZATION BUT THROUGH INWARD TRANSFORMATION, GOD'S DYNAMIC SALVATION BEING THE TRIUNE GOD HIMSELF PROCESSED. This means that all 139 volumes . Anyone who reads this book should keep in mind the above remarks. In nearly all cases, this precludes the need for others to post LSM content on their own sites. 1997- Living Stream Ministry. [ Read More] A STONE TO STRIKE AGAINST, A ROCK OF STUMBLING, A TRAP, THE GREAT LIGHT THE TRUE LIGHT, THE LIGHT OF LIFE, A BANNER TO THE PEOPLES AND A STANDARD TO THE NATIONS, RECEIVING THE TRIUNE GOD AS OUR SALVATION BY DRINKING HIM, BREATHING AND DRINKING BY CALLING ON THE NAME OF THE LORD, CHRIST AS GOD INCARNATED BEING THE VERY EMBODIMENT OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE ETERNAL ROCK FOR HIS PEOPLE TO TRUST IN, THE STEWARD IN GOD'S HOUSE INTO WHOSE HAND THE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY IS PUT, THE ONE UPON WHOSE SHOULDER THE KEY OF THE HOUSE OF GOD IS SET, A THRONE OF GLORY (THE GLORY OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY), A STONE AS A FOUNDATION, A TESTED STONE, AND A PRECIOUS CORNERSTONE, A KING LIKE A REFUGE, A COVERING, STREAMS OF WATER, AND THE SHADOW, USHERED IN BY THE VOICE OF ONE (JOHN THE BAPTIST). Read Christ Is All Spiritual Matters and Things for free on the updated site. Please see our announcement regarding the details of the conference. A COMPARISON OF THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS, THE KINGDOM BEING RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY, FOUR DISPENSATIONS OF THE LORD'S DEALINGS, LEADERSHIP DEPENDING ON SPIRITUAL CAPACITY, ALL THREE COEXISTING (EXISTING AT THE SAME TIME), THE SON'S INCARNATION BEING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, GOD BEING TRIUNE IN HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH MAN, THE GOLDEN LAMPSTAND SYMBOLIZING THE TRIUNE GOD, THE INDWELLING OF THE TRIUNE GOD (EPHESIANS 3), THE TRIUNE GOD SHOWN BY THE NEW JERUSALEM, CHRIST BEING GOD ESSENTIALLY AND HAVING THE SPIRIT ECONOMICALLY, HIS TRANSFIGURATION INTO THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, SAVED BY THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT, EXPERIENCING THE TWO ASPECTS BY CALLING ON THE LORD, EXPERIENCING THE FIRE IN THE WORD BY PRAY-READING, SETTING THE MIND ON THE SPIRIT THE KEY TO DEATH OR LIFE, THE SERVICE BEING THE MINISTERING OF CHRIST, WE HAVE THIS LIFE AND CAN EXPERIENCE IT EVERY DAY, LIFE BEING GOD THE FATHER IN THE SON AS THE SPIRIT FLOWING INTO US, CLEARING THE ARTERIES OF OUR PSYCHOLOGICAL HEART, THE ANOINTING AND THE PURPOSE OF SALVATION, THE OUTWARD FILLING OF THE SPIRIT FOR POWER, THE MANIFESTATIONS OF BEING FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE FRUIT OF SAVED PERSONS REGENERATED WITH THE DIVINE LIFE, THE BODY OF CHRIST BEING AN ORGANISM NOT AN ORGANIZATION, PRAYING TO CONTACT, TO ENJOY, AND TO FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, THE ESSENCE OF THE WORD OF GOD BEING LIFE TO THE BELIEVERS, USING OUR SPIRIT AND OUR MENTAL FACULTY TO RECEIVE THE SPIRIT AND LIFE FROM THE WORD OF GOD, SPEAKING AT EVERY TIME AND IN EVERY PLACE TO EVERY PERSON, BUILDING UP THE BODY THROUGH PROPHESYING IN THE CHURCH MEETINGS, THE CHURCH BEING THE BUILDING UP OF ALL GODS CHOSEN, REDEEMED, REGENERATED, AND TRANSFORMED PEOPLE, NOT A PHYSICAL STRUCTURE, THE NATURE OF THE CHURCH BEING OF HEAVEN, NOT OF EARTH, TO MAKE GODS WISDOM KNOWN TO THE ENEMY, THE FULLNESS (EXPRESSION) OF HIM WHO FILLS ALL IN ALL, THE SEVEN GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS SIGNIFYING THE SEVEN LOCAL CHURCHES AS GODS TESTIMONY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, CHRISTS CRUCIFIXION TO REDEEM PEOPLE FOR THE CHURCH, CHRISTS ASCENSION TO POUR OUT THE SPIRIT ON HIS PEOPLE TO FORM THE CHURCH, ALL THE REGENERATED AND PERFECTED BELIEVERS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT WILL BE THE COMPONENTS OF THE NEW JERUSALEM, WHICH IS THE CHURCHS ULTIMATE CONSUMMATION, CHRISTS PROPHECY ON BUILDING THE CHURCH, THE SAINTS BEING PERFECTED BY THE PERFECTING GIFTS WITH THE LIFE SUPPLY AS THE NOURISHMENT FOR THE GROWTH IN LIFE, UNTIL WE (THE GIFTED PERSONS AND THE SAINTS) ALL ARRIVE, THE UNIQUE GOD HAVING A UNIQUE EXPRESSION, THE LORDS ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE ONENESS OF THE BODY, THE GOAL OF THE CHURCH MEETINGSTO EXHIBIT CHRIST IN ALL THE SAINTS, EXAMPLES OF THE MEETINGS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, ENTERING THE CHURCH BY BELIEVING AND BEING BAPTIZED, PRAYING AND SEEKING THE TRUTH WITH COMPANIONS, THE SAVED ONES NEED TO COME TO THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, WE WILL BRING THE LORD AND THE KINGDOM TO EARTH AND WILL RECEIVE A REWARD, PRAYER IS MAN BREATHING GOD, OBTAINING GOD, AND BEING OBTAINED BY GOD, PRAYER IS MAN COOPERATING AND CO-WORKING WITH GOD, ALLOWING GOD TO EXPRESS HIMSELF AND HIS DESIRE THROUGH MAN, AND THUS ACCOMPLISH HIS PURPOSE, PRAYER IS MAN AS WELL AS HIS PRAYER PASSING THROUGH GOD, PRAYER IS THE EXPRESSION OF GODS INTENTION, PRAYER IS THE DISCHARGING OF OUR BURDEN BEFORE GOD, MUST BE ONE WHO LIVES IN GOD ALWAYS HAVING FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM, MUST BE ONE WHO WAITS CONSTANTLY BEFORE GOD, MUST BE ONE WHO PUTS EVERYTHING OF HIMSELF ASIDE, ESPECIALLY HIS ABILITY AND OPINIONS, MUST BE ONE WHOSE LIVING CORRESPONDS TO HIS PRAYER, THE MIND INTERPRETING THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SPIRIT, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WILL AND THE SPIRIT, A CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENSEA GUILTLESS CONSCIENCE, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WORD AND THE SPIRIT, THE WORK OF THE LIGHT OF LIFE ON THE NEGATIVE SIDE, THE WORK OF THE LIGHT OF LIFE ON THE POSITIVE SIDE, THE REST THAT RESULTS FROM LIFE ILLUMINATION, FASTING IS AN INDICATION OF MANS ABSOLUTENESS, FASTING IS FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF GODS WILL AND FOR THE DEFEAT OF SATAN, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRAYING IN THE LORDS NAME AND DOING GODS WILL, THE LORDS APPRAISAL OF THE SEEKING ONE, THE LINE OF CHRIST WITH THE CHURCH IN THE SCRIPTURES, GOD'S DESIRE FOR THE CHURCH, THE BODY OF CHRIST, GOING TO THE LORD IN PRAYER FOR HIS ENLIGHTENMENT, GOD'S INTENTION FOR US TO PUT ASIDE OUR NATURAL LIFE AND TAKE CHRIST AS OUR LIFE, THE EXPERIENCE OF THE ALL-INCLUSIVE SPIRIT, LIVING ACCORDING TO THE INNER LAW OF LIFE. Church in Atlanta These books are helpful if they are used properly. 1:4), every day is an evil day, full of pernicious things which destroy, injure, and spoil our time. "God's desire is to gain a full, corporate expression in man, bearing His image, manifesting His glory, and possessing His authority to deal with His enemy. THE FATHER EMBODIED IN THE SON AND THE SON REALIZED AS THE SPIRIT, GOLD, BDELLIUM, AND ONYX STONE FOR THE BUILDING OF GOD, ENJOYING THE TREE OF LIFE TODAY AS THE FORETASTE, THE RIVER OF WATER OF LIFE THE FLOW OF LIFE, THE CONCEPTION AND MINISTRY OF JESUS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, OUR BEING IN THE LORD AND IN THE FATHER, AND THE LORD AND THE FATHER BEING IN US, THE CHURCH BEING THE PRODUCT OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION, THE SON REALIZED AS THE SPIRIT ABIDING IN THE BELIEVERS, THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT GIVING US LIFE FOR OUR TRANSFORMATION INTO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST, ENJOYING THE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY OF THE SPIRIT IN OUR SPIRIT, THE CENTRAL LINE OF THE REVELATION CONCERNING THE SPIRIT, THE GROWTH IN LIFE AND THE TRANSFORMATION IN LIFE. Ephesians 5:15-16 says, Look therefore carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Since the days are evil, we need to consider carefully how we can redeem the time in our daily walk. Current Issue: Ministry Digest Vol. The following eight books on general messages were translated by others. KEEPING GOD'S SABBATH BY ENJOYING HIM, RESTING IN HIM, ISRAEL AS A POTTER'S EARTHENWARE JAR TO BE BROKEN. CHARGING THE PRIESTS WHO SERVE JEHOVAH IN HIS HOUSE, THE REMEMBRANCE OF ZION AND THE NON-FORGETTING OF JERUSALEM IN CAPTIVITY, THANKING JEHOVAH IN THE WORSHIP OF HIS HOLY TEMPLE, ASKING FOR JEHOVAH'S DELIVERANCE AND PRESERVATION, BASED UPON THE PRINCIPLE OF GOOD AND EVIL. The following are the publications on Bible study: In addition to all the above books, some spiritual books in English were translated under Brother Nee's publication ministry through the years. (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. Living Stream Ministry publishes the works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, providing . (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1979, vol. We need to read the Life-study messages in order to receive a revelation concerning Christ and to receive the life supply so that we may experience Christ in our daily life. Following the meeting, all saints are invited to, We would like to announce that this years International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Chicago, IL, from, The Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile, where the meetings of the 2023 International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held, has sold out of rooms at the, Registration for the live training is due on or before, To help the saints read through the New Testament once a year, we have prepared a reading schedule on, This plan will read through the entire New Testament in one year's time. It can be read online in English on and in Spanish on Audio and video messages now available on LSM Webcast. "God views the church, the redeemed believers, from a heavenly perspective. We are believers in Jesus Christ from all backgrounds who gather locally to be the Lords testimony in Atlanta. THE PRAISE OF GOD'S ELECT FOR GOD'S BEING REAL, TRUSTWORTHY, THE THANKSGIVING OF GOD'S ELECT FOR GOD'S BOUNTIFUL GOODNESS. To help the saints with their long-term constitution and nourishment, we suggest all the saints enter into the Life-study of the Bible in a regular way. OUR BEING JUSTIFIED AND RECONCILED TO GOD THROUGH CHRIST AS THE RIGHTEOUS SHOOT, JEHOVAH'S PUNISHMENT AND JUDGMENT UPON DAMASCUS, JEHOVAH'S PUNISHMENT AND JUDGMENT UPON KEDAR AND THE KINGDOMS OF HAZOR, JEHOVAH'S PUNISHMENT AND JUDGMENT UPON ELAM, THE DESTRUCTION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE AND THE REMOVAL OF ALL ROMAN THINGS, ISRAEL, A TYPE OF GOD'S NEW TESTAMENT ELECT, THE CONTENT OF THE NEW COVENANT THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD, SATAN ATTACKING JOB, AND JOB SUFFERING TRIALS IN THE MATTER, SATAN ATTACKING JOB, AND JOB SUFFERING THE TRIAL IN HIS BODY, A SIGNIFICANT, INSTRUCTIVE, AND UNVEILING SCENE, JOB'S EXPERIENCE OF GOD'S CONSUMING AND STRIPPING IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, ELIPHAZ IMPLYING THAT JOB SHOULD FOLLOW HIM TO SEEK AFTER GOD, BLAMING HIS FRIENDS FOR NOT SHOWING KINDNESS TO HIM. Living Stream Ministry is a non-profit corporation that is primarily dedicated to the publication of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Although we may dedicate some of the precious time in our busy schedules to reading and studying different ministry publications, much of our time is inescapably occupied with mundane matters, when there is still so much of the ministry to be explored. How can we redeem some of this lost time? Property. Late registration: April 16May 15, $495/person. Book 42 of 49: The Collected Works of Watchman Nee | by Watchman Nee | Oct 1, 1998. We currently make the bulk of our publications available online at, and we are constantly adding more titles as time and resources allow. THE NEW BAPTIZED ONES LEARNING TO PREACH THE GOSPEL, TAKE CARE OF THEIR MEETING, THE LORD APPOINTING US TO GO FORTH AND BEAR FRUIT, THE ISSUE OF THE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY, MEMBERS OF AN ORGANISM, THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE CHURCH BEING A MASTERPIECE AS THE NEW MAN, THE CHURCH DISPLAYING THE MULTIFARIOUS WISDOM OF GOD. THE TEST OF SOME WALKING AMONG THE BELIEVERS DISORDERLY, THE TEST OF AN ELDER COMMITTING SIN AND BEING ACCUSED BY THE BELIEVERS, THE TEST OF MEN BEING LOVERS OF SELF, LOVERS OF MONEY, AND LOVERS OF PLEASURE, THE TEST OF A FACTIOUS, SECTARIAN MAN TITUS 3:10-11, THE TEST OF MANY ANTICHRISTS HAVING COME1 JOHN 2:18. They are listed as follows: The intention was that every local church would use these fifty messages for the edification of new believers every week for one year and repeat them yearly. He was also burdened to put out five books on the practicality of the church: This book was translated into English under the title Concerning Our Missions and was reprinted under the title The Normal Christian Church Life. Hans undervisning om betydningen av Jesu blod og Jesu . (The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, Volume 57: The Resumption of Watchman Nee's Ministry, . At age 19 he was fully captured for Christ and immediately consecrated himself to preach the gospel for the rest of his life. Mark 6:37. Audio Feature on; Ministry Excerpts: 2023 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference; Videos: Audio Features . Far from seeing her as defeated by the power of sin and sins, God views the church as the glorious counterpart of Christ. Please see our announcement for more details about the conference. The prayer meeting of the church will be held in person by districts every Wednesday at 7:30 .. PRODUCE CHRIST! - This site also offers the Recovery Version (New Testament only) but has outlines and is . THE PSALMIST REJOICING AT THE MISFORTUNE OF HIS ENEMIES, THE PSALMIST'S CONDEMNATION ON THE SONS OF MEN, THE PSALMIST'S PRAYER FOR GOD'S SALVATION FROM HIS ENEMIES, THE PSALMIST'S PRAYER TO GOD FOR HIS RESTORATION, THE PSALMIST'S ENJOYMENT OF GOD IN HIS HOUSE, THE PSALMIST'S ENJOYMENT OF GOD AS HIS HIGH RETREAT. Witness Lee himself testified to the benefit that listening to the ministry had on his wife: Although I have labored much on the Life-study messages by speaking and polishing them, I still enjoy reading them again. Graves Park is at 1540 Graves Rd, Norcross, GA 30093, about a 12-minute drive from the District 4 meeting hall. Collected Works of Watchman Nee . This means that all 139 volumes of Witness Lees Collected Works, over 77,000 pages of ministry (much of which has never been published before), are now even more accessible. About LSM Our Policy for Distributing the Files on this Site. The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is also available for free on Some of these books were messages published in his periodicals and reprinted in book form. All rights reserved. THE REGENERATED SPIRIT OF THE BELIEVERS HAS: THE REGENERATED SPIRIT OF THE BELIEVERS BECOMES THE ORGAN FOR THEM TO WORSHIP, SERVE, RECEIVE, POSSESS, EXPERIENCE, AND ENJOY GOD, THE UNION OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD AND THE SPIRIT OF THE BELIEVERS BRINGS GOD INTO MAN THAT GOD AND MAN MAY BE JOINED AND MINGLED TOGETHER, THE ISSUE OF THE UNION OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD AND THE SPIRIT OF THE BELIEVERS IS THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE BUILDING UP OF THE BODY OF CHRIST IS THE CONSTITUTION, IN THE AFOREMENTIONED, THIS CONSTITUTION IS THE UNION AND MINGLING OF GOD AND MAN, THE UNION AND MINGLING OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITH THE SPIRIT OF MAN PRODUCES A BUILDING OF THE LIVING AND, THIS IS THE LIVING WHICH A GOD-MAN CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF GOD'S FIRSTBORN SON SHOULD HAVE IN EXPERIENCING THE CO-DEATH AND CO-RESURRECTION WITH CHRIST, THE PRAYERS OF THE LORD JESUS (JOHN 12:27-28; MATTHEW 26:39-46), RIGHT ACCORDING TO GOD AND UNDER GOD'S RULING, THE OPPOSITION OF HUMAN CULTURE TO THE KINGDOM, THE CHARACTER OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM, THE INFLUENCE OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM UPON THE WORLD, THE PURITY OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM, THE ATTITUDE OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM TOWARD RICHES, THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM, THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM IN DEALING WITH OTHERS, THE BEGINNING AND ENDING OF THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS AND THE MILLENNIUM, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HEAVENS AND THE KINGDOM OF THE HEAVENS. Few believers, however, realize that this desire can be attained only through God's own life. A video training will also be held locally here in Atlanta, GA. Life's Quenchingthe Need of the Thirsty. Consider starting small to achieve better consistency. Although gospel preaching was not the central feature of his ministry, Watchman Nee published twenty-one booklets on the gospel. Please pray for this year's spring conference, which will be held in Ridge Haven Camp, NC, from Friday, April 14 through Lords Day, April 16, 2023. THE PROPHECY CONCERNING ISRAEL'S DESTINY IN THE GREAT WAR OF ARMAGEDDON, OF THE THINGS CONCERNING HUMAN GOVERNMENT, A WORD CONCERNING OUR NEED TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE REALM OF GOD'S ECONOMY, CHRIST'S JUDGMENT UPON THREE CATEGORIES OF THINGS, THE TYPE OF THE KINGS, PRIESTS, AND PROPHETS, REGENERATION, SANCTIFICATION, RENEWING, TRANSFORMATION, AND CONFORMATION BY THE MINGLED SPIRIT, THE NEED FOR A GENUINE REVIVAL AND A CORPORATE MODEL, LIVING THE LIFE OF A GOD-MAN ACCORDING TO THE HIGH PEAK OF THE DIVINE REVELATION, THE NEED TO BE FILLED UP WITH CHRIST AS THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, CALLING ON THE LORD TO DRAW WATER OUT OF THE WELLS OF SALVATION, TRANSFORMED TO BECOME LIVING STONES FOR GOD'S BUILDING, THE NEED FOR A PROPER SPIRITUAL DIGESTION, ENJOYING THE REALITY OF THE NEW JERUSALEM IN OUR SPIRIT, THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, NOT HAVING METHODS BUT SIMPLY EATING THE LORD JESUS, LOVING THE LORD AND LETTING HIM MAKE HIS HOME IN YOU, GOD'S ECONOMY, PLAN, ARRANGEMENT, DISPENSATION, BY THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE BELIEVERS' SPIRIT, HAVING THE RESURRECTED CHRIST LIVING IN US, GOD HAVING GIVEN US THE PLEDGE OF THE SPIRIT IN OUR HEARTS, HAVING CHRIST MAKE HIS HOME IN OUR HEARTS, THE ISSUE OF OUR ENJOYMENT OF THE DIVINE TRINITY, ENJOYING THE DIVINE TRINITY TO THE FULLEST IN ETERNITY, GODS UNIQUE INTENTION BEING FOR MAN TO EXPRESS HIM, THE TRIUNE GOD AS THE SPIRIT DWELLING IN OUR SPIRIT, THE WONDERFUL SPIRIT AS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING, GOD ENTERING INTO MAN TO HAVE ONE LIFE AND ONE LIVING WITH MAN, GOD AND MAN LIVING TOGETHER BEING A MATTER OF THE SPIRIT, LIVING IN THE SPIRIT BEING THE HIGHEST TEACHING, NEEDING TO EXERCISE AND PRACTICE LIVING WITH THE LORD, LIVING IN THE SPIRIT BEING THE MOST SIMPLE, CONVENIENT, AND EXCELLENT WAY, NEEDING TO SEE AND ENJOY THE UNSEARCHABLE RICHES OF CHRIST, CARING ONLY FOR THE RELEASE OF THE SPIRIT AND NOT HAVING REGULATIONS IN THE MEETINGS, THE LORD DESIRING ONLY THAT WE LIVE BY HIM, EVERYTHING BEGOTTEN OF GOD KEEPING ITSELF FROM SINNING, THE WHOLE WORLD EXCEPT OUR SPIRIT LYING IN THE EVIL ONE, PREACHING THE GOSPEL ON THE HIGHEST PLANE, ONE OUT OF TWENTY JOB-DROPPING FULL-TIMERS AND ONE OUT OF FOUR WEEKLY DOOR KNOCKERS, GODS FOCUS THROUGHOUT THE AGES BEING HIS AUTHORITY AND EXPRESSION ON EARTH, THE RAISING UP OF MEN WHO TURN THE AGE FOR THE RECOVERY OF GODS AUTHORITY AND EXPRESSION, THE NEED FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO CONSECRATE THEMSELVES VOLUNTARILY TO BE AN ANTI-TESTIMONY IN THIS AGE, THE SECOND CHARACTERISTICBEING JOINED TO GODS DESIRE THROUGH HIS WORD, THE THIRD CHARACTERISTICCOOPERATING WITH GOD THROUGH PRAYERS, THE FOURTH CHARACTERISTICNOT CARING FOR ONES LIFE, THE TRIUNE GOD AND THE BRANCHES IN JOHN 15, THE INDWELLING CHRIST IN THE WRITINGS OF PAUL AND JOHN, THE CHURCHES FIRST IN JOHNS FINAL WORD, THE PROPER LIVING OF THE BELIEVERS AFTER SALVATION, FELLOWSHIPPING WITH THE LORD, ALLOWING HIS ELEMENTS TO OCCUPY, ALL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES AND VIRTUES BEING A MATTER OF GOD WORKING IN MAN, GOD'S GRACE BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING, OUR LIVING AND WORKING BEING FOR GOD TO WORK HIMSELF INTO US, GRACE BEING GOD GAINED AND EXPERIENCED BY US, THE CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE BEING GOD'S WORKING HIMSELF INTO US. 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