nes top down shooter

And, like DuckTales, this led to a high quality NES platformer from Capcom. Go back and grab it, either on cartridge or through the Wii's Virtual Console, and experience for yourself the defining console debut for one of the Big N's biggest mascots. A spiritual sister series to Nintendo's Legend of Zelda, StarTropics was an overhead dungeon-exploration action/adventure that, unfortunately, never made it past the NES. Weird West is a game that might spark some interest . An incredibly popular release in both sales and lasting fan opinion, RC Pro-Am was an innovative racing game developed by Rare. My earliest forays into the Cave of Monsters were rarely solo. Wizards & Warriors is the debut title of a classic, if depressingly anti-climatic NES trilogy. Once you beef up your defenses, you're free to start amassing a sprawling arsenal, making aiming your shots somewhat irrelevant. I should fix that Near the end of the NES' lifecycle, puzzle games were THE craze. Nintendo was pretty heavy handed about content on the NES, so some of the ribald stuff in MM was yanked. You could upgrade its engine, increase the rate of fire of its bullets, increase the number of its bullets, give it the power to fire secondary missiles and even wrap it in a force field. Metroid was unique for so many reasons, among them the ability to explore at your own pace. Being the first Mega Man game with tangible secrets within, Mega Man 4 got a lot of playtime when I was a youngster. And for the most part, franchises that did flood the NES were of a high quality. One of the most successful RPGs on the NES, the first Final Fantasy improves on many aspects of Dragon Warrior, a game it very clearly attempts emulate. Most memorable of all is Tales' peerless soundtrack, particularly the tunes for Transylvania, African Mines, and the Moon. A complete reworking of an inferior arcade brawler of the same name, Rygar for the NES tells the heroic story of a man and his deadly yo-yo shield. Soaring around as Mario in raccoon form simply cannot be beat. Released in 1988, it pioneered something very important for the racing genre. A puzzler in the same style as HAL Laboratory's famous Adventures of Lolo series, Kickle Cubicle put players in the role of a character aptly named Kickle, who is on a quest to liberate his kingdom from the grasp of an icy evil. As a big fan of Final Fantasy's class system I was one happy little kid when I fired up Dragon Warrior III to discover that it had added a similar job system of its own. These are the 25 most underrated games on the SNES: 25. Even as a young'un, I felt some injustice every time a guest brought the Zapper up against the television's bubble screen. The key to not being obliterated is, of course, power-ups. The ever-flatulent Bub and Bob enter the Cave of Monsters in a blaze of bubble-blowing glory, trapping all manner of beasts in their sticky, spherical emissions. But for the most part, early Zelda gamers had nothing but their own ingenuity to rely on. May meet, because Castlevania III allowed gamers multiple paths as they progressed through the game. Life Force's moderate difficulty sets it apart from its peers in a genre generally geared towards the masochistic. Once all four had been collected, the legendary titular sword "Crystalis" could be created. It's flashy, it's clever, and it's one of the few puzzle games worth revisiting on the NES. It was rudimentary, yes, but it extended Lode Runner's life indefinitely. Willow on the NES, then, was notable for having the likeness to both actors, as well as many of the supporting cast from the film it was a movie tie-in adventure developed by Capcom, and was in many ways that company's take on Nintendo's Legend of Zelda formula. Unfortunately, this game didn't satisfy everyone. Set in an ancient Greece-inspired future (mind blown yet? Gorillas, lizards, frogs and other feral friends can be temporarily tamed when Nemo feeds them candy (do not try this at home), at which points he saddles them up Yoshi-style, allowing him to reach new areas. Admittedly, the exhilaration of burning past the beach-going VW beetles in your red Ferrari 328 (the F1 was significantly less radical) is indeed worthy of such high self praise. I was blown away by how complete an experience Crystalis was. A balanced team, for instance, may include two Fighters, a Black Mage to deal damage and a White Mage to heal. And then, of course, the difficulty starts off easy enough, but advance through half a dozen areas and you find yourself in a fight for your very life. Qix is one of the finest examples of the NES's prowess at emulating arcade classics. Armed only with a brick-zapping raygun, your only defense in Lode Runner is the ability to bury your opponents alive, thus freeing them of an enticing pile of gold. We celebrate 100 of our favorites in the pages that follow with our list of the best games for Nintendo's killer system. With the 8-bit rendition of the Cyndi Lauper theme from the movie blaring, lead Goony Mikey sets out to rescue the remaining kids, and, for some reason, a Mermaid, from the Fratelli family. SMB2 offers greater diversity in graphics and gameplay than the original, making it a great bridge game between the other NES Mario titles. The Deadly Tower of Monsters. Rush 'n Attack is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up/shooter that didn't reward new players for attempting its titular strategy. The gameplay is of the classic action-platforming variety. With little emphasis on the scaled-up world of the titular chipmunks, many of the things lying around the inflated settings could be picked up and used as projectiles on exploration. Joes. The Double Dragon characters are capable of kicking butt to be sure, but the unique brawling, racing and, yes, spelunking action that Rash, Pimple, and Zits introduced in their first outing is the main attraction in this crossover. And besides, the game was officially backed by Fred Savage, the ultimate gaming Wizard. It's a weird gory little body horror shooter, you're working your way through a giant planet-sized being trying to rescue a princess who's the last surviving member of her race. TMNT II: The Arcade Game for the NES was an incredibly impressive 8-bit conversion of one of the most popular coin-op cabinets ever created the original side-scrolling Turtles brawler from the early '90s arcade scene. And who could forget Mr. X's maniacal laughter each time he defeated Thomas, keeping his kidnapped girlfriend for his own. Top-down games have been enjoyed by gamers alike for almost as long as video games have existed. But if you wait for the axe's power to fully recharge between swings, the individual swipes will pack more impact. Best nes shoot em up games. When the eight stage select-bound stages were defeated, players entered a more linear part of the game, where both Protoman's and Dr. Wily's multi-stage castles had to be completed for the gamer to see any light at the end of the tunnel. Castlevania was not only a brilliant vid, but the music too is timeless I can still hum it on cue. The late, great Little Samson saw extremely weak sales in the US and so it usually comes up short in the Fond Memories department. Amazingly enough, this game still holds up too. Oddly, I remember the original Mario Bros. as the first game I ever played on a big screen TV. It was devastating playing through dozens of races only to have the game slowly start blanking out its colors until I was left with a locked-up, unplayable graphic mess on my screen. He's hidden himself inside the enormous, Tower of Babylon-esque World Tree a massive, multi-leveled living structure that holds the entire game's worth of town, fortresses and enemy lairs within its roots, trunk and branches. One of the few games I remembered beating without the Game Genie (but done on an NES Advantage for sake of the turbo function). The concept added some strategy to the mix, and makes this one fondly remembered to this day (along with that unforgettable name). I couldn't stand the cartoon (I was a DuckTales sort of guy), but to my surprise the game was an addictive platforming masterpiece. Unnecessary, sure, but so necessary. Though I thought the Genesis release of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse was ultimately a better game, I found myself going back to play this one more because of how easy it was to get into and how satisfying it was to play. Taking cues from open-ended adventure games like Metroid, you'll need to find certain weapons and equipment to progress in Bionic Commando, and that sometimes means returning to area you've previously visited to take care of unfinished business. Dragon Warrior is an old-school grinding RPG that necessitated acute attention to leveling up, equipment management and smart planning. Unfortunately, almost everyone agrees that Tengen's version of the game was far superior to Nintendo's, even including a two-player mode which Nintendo's version sorely lacked. Interestingly enough, my memories of Qix on NES were limited until many years later when I was playing the PS2 game Bully. Awesome! The game is brutal. Today, the game known as Tengen Tetris is a rare title to have in your collection, but it's a worthwhile play. Alternates between sidescrolling and top-down scrolling. Fusing action with platforming, and even some RPG elements, Kid Icarus is one of those key first party NES games that often finds itself ignored. Sound easy? Perhaps the NES's only intentional B-game, Zombie Nation is actually pretty fun, and always good for a laugh. It's the touching tale of a young boy and his pet frog, Fred. But the original is still the best, which is probably why it was singled out for a Game Boy Color release ten years after its Nintendo console debut in 1999. Dragon Warrior III continued to open up both the gamer's party and the enemy parties to more than one per side, creating for the first time in the series a real feeling of strategy. Several classic NES series seem to follow identical paths. It is possibly the most awesome car ever made aside from the "Metal Attacker" in Blaster Master. River City Ransom's excellent amalgamation of action, adventure, beat-em-up and RPG game elements has won it many vocal supporters, yet it seems destined to remain in the shadow of big name brawlers like Double Dragon. And while all Robot Masters since Mega Man 2 have been designed by the Japanese, Mega Man 6 totes a few created by North Americans. My initial exposure to what would become a gaming obsession in my life happened down there, when I played Mega Man for the first time. Either way, there's a lot to see and like about Fester's Quest. If you missed their heyday in the '80s and '90s, Micro Machines were essentially the same thing as those other toy car brands they were just smaller; about half the size of the others, in fact making them really, really tiny. But it was this release combined with Super Mario Bros. (and sometimes World Class Track Meet or Gyromite) as a bundled-in offering with the NES made it one of the most proliferated games on the console. After all, with the exception of Pit's inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the last Kid Icarus game was released on Game Boy nearly two decades ago. I played Super Mario Bros. 2 for the first time while in the hospital following open-heart surgery, so I have very personal feelings about the game. Some of the islands' giant eggs pack ferocious but adorable dinos who will let you hitch a ride until they take damage. Others called Nintendo's own hotline for help or consulted a magazine. Many gamers wanted a port of Konami's arcade beat-'em-up of the same name instead, but had to wait until 1991, when a port of the arcade classic came to the NES under the TMNT 2 moniker. Mega Man's unique approach is what initially made it so interesting to gamers. After all, Dr. Mario had a two player mode. The cast was so memorable and the experience so well defined that many elements were kept completely intact for the recent Wii re-imagining of the game there's no improving on the perfection of King Hippo, Great Tiger or Glass Joe. While it clearly adopted its non-linear level select structure from Mega Man, the similarities end there. As usual, the game introduced eight new Robot Masters to defeat in any order the gamer desired, inheriting defeated boss' weapons to use on other less-fortunate foes. Out of all of the games on the list, Journey to Silius might have one of the most interesting histories. The North American sequel to everyone's favorite game does not disappoint. Thankfully, Tecmo decided not to tinker with Ninja Gaiden II too much, and what resulted was yet another smash hit for its fictional ninja protagonist. Each blade offered a different ability, like the Sword of Wind that shot small tornadoes and the Sword of Water that could create bridges of ice. Who's Link? Mega Man is one of the best examples of great graphics, amazing music and near-perfect gameplay rolled into one cartridge. We're still eagerly awaiting a Goonies III. I lived in Maine when Mega Man 5 came out, which was an SNES-dominated era in my life. The versus play is simple and even repetitive, but it holds up today. The entire game fit on an infinitesimally small cartridge sized at 192 kilobits. I remember seeing this game being pushed on the Home Shopping Network months before it was available in stores. In the late 1980s Goonies mania was in full swing, which helps explain the countless after school sessions I spent with this perplexing Konami cash-in. This game was macho, manly destructive fun with its simultaneous two-player action, but also ended up playing an important historic role in the industry it put SNK on the map. As a kid, Shadowgate was straight spooky. Pro-Am without it, racing games might have just been all about steering and accelerating. And if that five dollar coupon on the manual wasn't enough, Pizza Hut ads even made it into the game itself one of the earliest examples of that kind of advertising in gaming history. Demon's Crest, perhaps one of the biggest under-selling games of all time compared to its quality, wouldn't have been possible without cutting its teeth on the NES and classic Game Boy. Let me make sure I'm using the correct term. It would be great to see Nintendo revive the Faxanadu concept someday. While The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. are unarguable pinnacles of videogame creation, if we were stranded on an island with a power source, an NES and a single game, it would unquestionably be Super Mario Bros. 3. Mickey Mousecapade was the first of these, and although it was published by Capcom in the US, it was developed by Hudson and has a different, more primitive feel than the great Disney platformers that succeeded it. The sluggish junker you start out with is soon augmented with shields and weapons of your choosing. It's a good thing, too, since this was the last Dragon Warrior game to appear in the United States for nearly a decade. Opening up the initial level of Robot Masters from six, as seen in the first game, to eight as seen in each subsequent Classic Series title, Mega Man 2 was also the only Classic Mega Man game to have a difficulty setting. The fourth game in the franchise had little to offer fans that was different, other than a new cast of interesting Robot Masters, a new character (Eddie) and a new ability for Mega Man to exploit (charging your arm cannon). Around the corner from my house growing up was a rare sight these days a mom and pop video store. Fond memories for this one really only go a year or so back. You could choose from three different player body types, and outfit your team with any combination of them; fast but weak Skinny Guys, brawny but slow Fat Guys, or well-balanced, middle-ground Normal Guys. Since the beginning of console gaming, movie licensed titles have held the stigma of being awful. Our Fondest Memories It has its quirks, and the water level is insane, but it crams a lot into an NES cart. I guess since it was an unlicensed Nintendo game, Codemasters had a hard time getting retailers interested in stocking it. Legendary Wings may have the distinct honor of being the weirdest result of Capcom's efforts to diversify shooters in the 1980s. You know that random guy named Captain Commando in the Marvel vs. Capcom fighting games? And as I recall, Ninja Gaiden II taught me to slide button presses for instant jump slashes, a skill that helped when I graduated to fighting games. Discovering each new level was a joy. If there was ever a more perfect title for an NES game, we don't know what it was Kid Niki: Radical Ninja got it exactly right. Metal Gear created the stealth genre, paving the way for Metal Gear Solid to later revolutionize and refine it. With a friend you can tag-team your opponents. The very last project created by Irem for the NES, Kickle Cubicle appeared to be a straight rip-off of the aforementioned Adventures of Lolo, but had gameplay features of its own that made it a unique offering, and one worth anyone's time interested in the genre. Yes, Super Mario Bros. 2 is a repurposing of a non-Mario Japanese Famicom game called Yume Kj: Doki Doki Panic, but why hold that against it? Each world in SMB3 features a unique style, and Mario's quest takes him through desert, grasslands, above the clouds and below the sea there's so much to explore that we still make discoveries every time we dust off the cartridge today. Zelda was one of the biggest console games of the time, and that got gamers excited. In fact, I liked Willow so much that I'd put it up there on my top list of NES RPG favorites with games like Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy and Crystalis. All the while, Pit must work his way through four unique worlds, each with multiple unique stages and an end fortress where Pit must navigate through a labyrinthine set of screens to reach the boss. As someone who has gone through the effort of tracking down this neglected gem of a Game Pak, I can affirm that Little Samson can hold his own with the Belmonts, Mega Men and Master Higgins' of the era. There is an art to snagging territory, and players eventually must learn how to manipulate the irrepressible Qix itself. Their next door neighbors' kids ended up being me and my siblings' friends as time passed, and they had a basement dedicated to NES gaming. I guess it's no wonder that Super Metroid and Metroid Prime remain my two favorite games of all time. What Top 100 NES Games list would be complete without Duck Hunt? The tank felt like a portable fort, like home with a cannon mounted on the roof. . I was too ADD / illiterate as a kid to ever get that Zelda was the princess in the first game. After all, Tetris is one of the classic games not only on the NES, but of all-time. It was a solid companion for the early Zelda games, and perhaps a factor in why Capcom was later approached to develop some portable entries in the Zelda series for Nintendo. Though a bit cumbersome to control with just an NES D-Pad and menu bar of potential actions to take, this tale of seven diverse high school kids exploring a kooky manor populated with wacky, blue-skinned mad scientists and alien tentacles was nevertheless addictive, thanks in large part to the great variety of ways to win. Super C, like Contra, is a nearly perfect cooperative experience, and is best enjoyed with a buddy to high five as the iconic level finish tune plays. Sure it was the sequel to an awesome medieval platformer, but we're pretty sure it was Fabio's bare-breasted likeness smoldering on IronSword's cover art that made this game a smash hit with kids and moms alike. Sure, Duck Hunt's gameplay was as simple as pointing-and-shooting, and one could easily cheat by standing an inch from the television. When all's said and done, the chapters' events and characters culminate in an amazing endgame. The sequel features the same great stuff as the first: catchy, mead-swilling tunes; stylized fantasy graphics; and the peculiar use of "ye olde Engrish." You play as The Guardian, a female cyborg warrior tasked with preventing Earth's impending destruction via a collision with a rogue alien world, Naju. Then, Skate or Die 2 came along and trumped its predecessor in many ways, offering a full storyline adventure in addition to the standalone skating events as well as adding in the "Double Trouble" half pipe, a massive structure that spanned two full game screens and let you pull off highly stylish (for the time) vert skating tricks. I can't tell you how many hours I left my NES on simply because I wanted to show off my created course to a bunch of my friends. This game was much tighter in control and actually gave a better sense of accomplishment to the player. The NES had its fair share of unique puzzle games, and Adventures of Lolo 3 might take the cake as the genre's quintessential title on the console. More importantly, this clever title takes platforming's greatest crutch gravity and turns it on its head. Adventure Island II took the original Adventure Island's somewhat tedious straightforward platforming and fleshed it out, becoming the foundation for a solid series. The sequel to the original Mega Man was quick on the heels of the first, with barely a year in between the release of the two titles in the United States. It's still a blast to this day and Tecmo should bring it back. I came back the next day to challenge Joker, but I don't think we ever beat him. What was most interesting about Mega Man 4 was its ability to tell a deeper story than what was told in the past three iterations in the series. Was too ADD / illiterate as a young'un, i remember the original, making it a great bridge between. Lasting fan opinion, RC Pro-Am was an SNES-dominated era in my life racing. Unique for so many reasons, among them the ability to explore at your own pace played a... The key to not being obliterated is, of course, power-ups as a young'un, felt..., like Home with a cannon mounted on the Home Shopping Network months before it was,... Could forget Mr. X 's maniacal laughter each time he defeated Thomas, his! 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